At the 2020 Belasco tech skype conference, Elon musk unveiled the newest cybertruck design: The Tesla Cyberstationwagon. The cyberstationwagon will have all the same features as a cybertruck, but at a cheaper price and with a target audience of suburban parents with two children and a dog named Roscoe.

The Cyberstationwagon will according to Elon Musk have no door handles and will be voice activated "In case you are holding groceries and are on the phone talking and can't open the door" according to Elon Musk, who had accidentally disabled his webcam. Elon also said "Now the marble interior makes more sense, dosen't it? You guys joked about it looking like a kitchen counter but now look who's laughing."

Elon later uploaded a video of a crash test with a real human person captioned "To demonstrate the safety of the Cyberstationwagon, the crash test features a real human person." Unfortunately, we can't feature the video in this article due to graphic content. Elon later confirmed the man in the cyberstationwagon was Franz, the same guy who did the window break test on the Cybertruck.
